Wednesday, October 15, 2008

week 3- Election post

I chose the Virginia senate race. The race is between Democrat Mark Warner and Republican Jim Gilmore.

Mark Warner-Warner is a democratic politician and business man from Virginia. He is the immediate governer of Virginia. He is also the honorary chairman of the Forward Together Political action committee. Warner delievered the keynote speech at the National Democratic Convention. Warner's tax package effected a net tax increase of approximately $1.5 billion annually. Warner credited the additional revenues with saving the state's AAA bond rating, held at the time by only 5 other states, and allowing the single largest investment in K-12 education in Virginia history

Jim Gilmore- He served as the Attorney General of Virginia from 1994 to 1998, and was the Virginia governer from 1998 to 2002. In his first year as Governor, Gilmore pushed for car tax reduction legislation that was eventually passed by the Democrat-controlled General Assembly The legislation reduced car taxes on all cars valued less than $1,000, and phased out the tax on auto values over $1,000 as follows: 12.5% reduction in 1998; 25% reduction in 1999; 47.5% reduction in 2000; 70% reduction in 2001; 100% reduction in 2002. Beginning in 2001, Virginia's economy slowed and tax revenues flattened Gilmore also proposed and signed into law Virginia's first stand-alone Martin Luther King Holiday.As Governor, Gilmore signed into law legislation establishing a 24-hour waiting period and informed consent for women seeking an abortion, as well as a ban against partial birth abortion Gilmore increased funding for adoption services.

My issue- The most important issue I thinks is the energy crisis. Jim Gilmore has the same view on solving the energy crisis as John McCain and George Bush, he wants to continue off shore drilling. Mark Warner wants to use more alternative sources to break our addiction to foriegn oil.

Poll data- on most polls Warner has a sizeable lead. The Real Clear Politics average based on 23 other polls is 58.6% to Warner and 30.4% for Gilmore. The spread is Warner +28.2

1 comment:

FRASER said...

I do think that Warner may be a bit undecided on a few issues and not very clear, however he is definitely the best candidate. There is a clear distinction that he is far ahead in the polls and has a secure lead, he also has the experience and proof that he can handle the position and do a good job.